CYLANCE - The Endpoint (Trade Show Package 2017)

The concept here was to visualize a massive network of endpoints existing in a completely wedged together way. We created a particle ‘membrane’ to protect all of the devices in the network, and visually represent 2 of Cylance’s products. CylancePROTECT, and CylanceOPTICS.

Direction/Design/HDA assets - Casey Hupke

C4D Animation, X-Particles Animation - Kris Cook

Kris Cook and I spent a few months trying to make the most highly detailed particle project I’ve ever attempted. We pushed the limits of every render engine we could try, ultimately finishing the project using a combinations of Cinema 4d’s Hardware render, and Cycles4D. This package ran for about a year at the Cylance booths internationally. From Blackhat, to RSA, to HIMSS, etc etc. We got mileage out of all effort for sure.


